Happy Valentine's Day!

How was your Valentine's Day?

I hope it was everything you dreamed of and more.. I hope you felt love like never before.. I hope that all of the day's anticipation led up to one big romantic surprise!!!

But if it didn't, you're not alone.  There's a lot of anxiety and expectations that come with Valentine's day.  All that can leave us disappointed, brokenhearted, let down and empty.
If we put our faith in man, we will be disappointed every time.

But you know what will NEVER fail us?  God's love.

Isaiah 43:4 tells us that we are PRECIOUS to God and he loves us.  Romans 5:8 assures us that God loves us while we were still sinners because Christ died for us. Romans 8:39 (one of my FAVORITES) says that neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God. NOTHING.  Psalm 86:15 describes God as compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, ABOUNDING in love and faithfulness.

There is NOTHING you could ever do to make God love you less. (Read that again.)

So whether you had a crappy V-Day because your man forgot to send flowers or yours was the best ever, sleep well tonight knowing that the creator of the universe thinks you're the bee's knees.
